Providing you with Unique Insights, Ideas, Tools and Tips to live the next phase of your life with joy and in prosperity.
Attention all Baby Boomers. Have you reached the point in your life where either retirement is very close to becoming a reality or some circumstance outside of your control is forcing you to look at other options either financially or physically?
You are not alone. This is happening throughout the world each day and is becoming more and more of an issue for many people.
Research has shown that 10 000 Boomers are reaching retirement age each day and this trend is set to continue to 2030. The sad thing is that almost 55% of these individuals do not actually have enough money to “retire”.
It becomes more and more crucial each day to develop a Plan B to ensure that when you hit retirement or are faced with any other challenge that prevents you from earning an income, you are financially secure enough to be able to live a good quality of life.
It’s about preparing now for the the future.
We all have a huge amounts of skills, knowledge, talents, experience and passion that we can use to develop other income streams and still make an impact in the world.
You are never too old (or too young) to share what you know with the world.
It’s my mission to help you with exactly that. To provide you with information, tips, ideas, strategies and tactics to ensure that you can thrive in this next phase of life.
These are by no means the normal sorts of suggestions you will get from a life coach, a financial planner or your investment broker – this is about using what you know to create income for yourself and contributing back to society and the world.
Are you ready? Then let’s go …
Give yourself a headstart
As with anything new in life its always great to have a plan or a helping hand to get you started. Check out the FREE resource in the page below for more ...

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Did you know? Some Interesting Facts
Don't Retire (At Least Not Too Soon) One idea that might be the most non-traditional of all: don't retire. Or at least, delay doing so beyond the proverbial age 65 or 66 (depending on birth date). Whether that means working longer, consulting, or finding a part-time gig, being part of the workforce can help Boomers financially and emotionally.
By 2030 all Baby Boomers will be 65 or older.
77 million American baby boomers are expected to live 10 to 25 years longer than their parents did. Those retiring in their 60s can expect to live about 25 years more, at least. So their retirement period will be longer. This applies to Boomers worldwide too. This means that there is still a very long period of time where a stable income is a necessity
Many who reach retirement age now are often healthy enough to run marathons, build houses, and even start businesses.
(Courtesy of