(Last Updated On: 2023-12-28)

Creating content takes time and effort as we all know. It stands to reason that the content we create should resonate with our audience, not only now but into the future. Creating valuable, relevant, timeless (evergreen) content becomes crucial to your content creation efforts.

This week’s roundup brings you valuable “content” that will improve your content creation skills and help you create better content.

Content Done Right Can Help Sell Your Services or Products

Claire Emerson on CopyBlogger.com wrote this week about 5 Easy Ways to Transform Your Website into a Standout Salesperson. She explains how the right content will help you sell more.

“High-quality content on a well-crafted website can help sell your services with confidence.”

Website content is your shop window to the world and done right can ensure that the sales come pouring in.

The Right Images Make All The Difference in The World

Michael Brenner – author of “The Content Formula” and the CEO of Marketing Insider Group focuses on the power of using the right images when creating your content in A Content Marketer’s Guide to Finding Engaging Images.

He highlights 3 key topics being image relevance, tips for selecting images and where to find visual content for your creation process. We all recognise the old idiom that ” A picture is worth a 1000 words”. With the short attention spans of people nowadays, its crucial to grab somebody’s attention quickly.

Content Marketing Myths

Kim Moutsos, Vice President of Editorial at the Content Marketing Institute discusses  3 Myths in Content Marketing and How to Counter Them.

Savvy business owners know that content marketing should be the cornerstone of your marketing strategy. Avoid contact with people that don’t live and breathe content – it will change your perspective and the assumptions you make about using it. Kim breaks down 3 myths about content marketing and provides you with a definitive, knowledgeable reply. This will open your eyes to the value of content, and content marketing as a whole.

Creating valuable, relevant, timeless (evergreen) content is crucial to your content creation efforts. Click To Tweet

Content Marketing Types To Grow Your Business In 2019

Pam Moore of Social Zoom Factor teaches us in this educational podcast episode all about the 15 Types of Evergreen Content Marketing to Grow Your Business in 2019.

Pam reveals exactly what they are, how you should use them and their importance to any business. She also shares why Google loves this type of content as well as the power of curating the right type of evergreen content. This is well worth a listen and implementing into your own strategy.

How Your Blog Design Can Ruin Your Content Marketing Efforts

In a guest post on Social Media Today, Mark Walker-Ford provides insight into the 6 Blog Design Mistakes Ruining Your Content Marketing Strategy [Infographic]

The Infographic reveals what bloggers should avoid when designing their blogs. This is to ensure they do not put their readers off. Don’t let design errors cost you those valuable readers.


So in Closing…

Crafting content takes time and effort. These articles are focused on maximizing exactly that. Each article offers insight, guidance and knowledge to ensure you get your content, grabbing attention.


Happy reading till next week

The Name of the author of the blogpost - Ruth Coetzee



Ruth is just an ordinary 50 something granny that loves reading, her electronic devices and expanding her knowledge in many diverse fields. She has an insatiable curiosity, a bucket list that is a mile long, enjoys spending time with family and friends and every now and then "pushes the envelope" by doing things that society says she cannot do. "Says Who?" To her - age is just a number and no matter what society dictates, she believes you can do anything you put your mind to and succeed.

1 Comment

4 best tips how to write for your readers | Digital Savvy Granny · 2020-10-20 at 07:16

[…] when you sit down to write anything keep these questions in […]

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