(Last Updated On: 2023-12-28)

When you sit down to start writing, whether you are an author, copywriter, ghostwriter or freelancer, who are you writing for? Over the last few years my experience has been that very many writers write for themselves or their clients only. Rarely do writers specifically write for their readers or target audience.

Let’s face it – ultimately your audience or readers are who you are writing for. It’s not about what you, your client or the market thinks will resonate – it’s all about what will attract your audience and readers. As writers we need to develop the responsibility to create content focused around the needs of our audience.

What you need to keep in mind while writing

So when you sit down to write anything keep these questions in mind:-

  • Who is my audience
  • What interests them
  • What type of language do they use
  • Why will they like the content I am going to share
  • Will it address their needs or solve their problems
  • Is the content I’m creating the right type of content
  • Where  and how will this content be shared

One could go into much greater detail on each of these questions but I purely want to remind you what to consider when writing.

As writers we need to develop the responsibility to create content focused around the needs of our audience, nobody else. Click To Tweet


In this post however, I want to share 4 of my best tips that will maximize the power of your writing. It will aid in making your content way more effective and readable.

Know your topic or subject when you write for your readers

Before you sit down to write for your readers, make very sure you have done your homework. Convey the message with clarity and accuracy. State the facts with confidence and trust. Don’t give your audience any hint that you are not the expert.

My opinion is that for authors writing their books this seems to be easier. They can write with absolute authority as its coming from within them. Yes, there is also some research and homework needed but the words just seem to flow much easier.

When writing for clients or about a subject you are not very familiar with, it becomes crucial that you are confident in the knowledge you have or developed.

Speak your reader’s language

This is the absolute core in the winning writing formula. no matter what type of writing you are doing, you need to be using the language your audience knows, understands and resonates with.

This does not mean that you need to give up your own personal values in your writing. You just need to convey the message in the type of language your audience understands best.

e.g. If you are writing a highly technical piece of content focused on an academically qualified audience, it will be vastly different to a blogpost about why you need a blog for you online business.

This means that you should have an intimate knowledge of who your audience is and what type of language they use. Research the audience, discover where they hangout and what type of content they enjoy best. Tweak your content/writing accordingly.

There is absolutely no point in creating content or writing anything that will not resonate with the targeted audience. It is a waste of time and effort.

Make it all about them – what they want to hear

Too many authors lose sight of this fact. Yes, you want your audience to read your content. However, the content must revolve around the needs of your audience or readers.



I’ve walked into this trap myself,  more than once. I’ve written something but from the perspective of what I would have wanted to read. Wrong move – its all about what your audience or readers need. You may not want to read a fantasy novel yourself, but your audience devours them as soon as they are published.

You audience wants to know more about Affiliate Marketing but you prefer to build other types of passive income streams.

Get to know your audience or the one you are writing for intimately. Write for  that audience and watch your work soar.

Focus on the positive

We can all agree that life is made up of both the negative and the positive and that brings balance. However when it comes to writing for others – negativity will only bring you grief.

People have enough negativity in their lives and the little attention you can hope to gain from them will only happen if you focus on the positive. Be realistic, but positive. Show them what is possible, what can be achieved, share information that will help them grow and move forward – this is what people will take time to read.


So in Closing…

All writers need to accept that they need to develop their craft around what their audience needs and desires. Become the authority – the goto person in your niche that everybody wants to make use of to get content from. Focus on getting to know your audience intimately so that you can write the best content for that audience.

Hopefully these 4 tips will go some way in guiding you to getting to that point. Become a person of value. Write for your readers, not yourself.

If you have some tips that you would like to share that have helped you attract and retain your audience, please share them in the comments.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Till next week – happy writing

The Name of the author of the blogpost - Ruth Coetzee


Ruth is just an ordinary 50 something granny that loves reading, her electronic devices and expanding her knowledge in many diverse fields. She has an insatiable curiosity, a bucket list that is a mile long, enjoys spending time with family and friends and every now and then "pushes the envelope" by doing things that society says she cannot do. "Says Who?" To her - age is just a number and no matter what society dictates, she believes you can do anything you put your mind to and succeed.