In these uncertain times, now more so than ever before, every business or website owner needs to make full use of what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can do for them. More and more people are getting online and making use of the information, convenience and value it provides. Instead of getting in their cars and searching for whatever they need, many more now turn to the online space and this means that if your SEO is on point, they will find you.
Just in case you are not entirely sure what SEO means, here is a quick definition:
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.
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In this roundup of articles, my aim was to cover the most important facets, ideas and tips around SEO, to provide you with a resource that will kickstart and guide your SEO efforts.
Why SEO benefits your website and business
In this article “15 SEO Benefits you need to know” by Sarah Berry of reveals the top 15 benefits to any business or website owner of the value of an SEO strategy. Besides the most obvious ones that come to mind, she brings some creative concepts and ideas to the table that might just surprise you and will allow you to succeed massively in your SEO efforts.
What I really enjoyed in this article, is not only her clarity, but also the extra effort she went to, to include much more value in linking to other sources that further stretched the learning. Take the time and go through what she shares, it will make a big difference in your SEO efforts.
Ensuring your SEO is on point will drive massive traffic to your website and blog. Learn from these SEO experts in this article roundup exactly how to achieve this goal. #SEO #SEOtips #websitetraffic #masterSEO Click To Tweet
Creating content that ranks
Looking at the next article, you will find one of the most comprehensive sources of how content SEO should be done. Karl Tablante of SEO has really made sure to cover each facet of what one needs to look at in his attention grabbing infographic and supporting information in “How to write SEO content that Ranks – 11 Proven Frameworks”. This article is not only an in-depth article but also features a free checklist and of course, the excellent infographic for you to reference.
Many may argue that this is easy for him to write about as it’s what he does each day, but this just goes to show the level of authority he has of the subject matter. This is first hand, at the coal face information you can use and trust.
Using Keywords drives traffic
A key component of any SEO strategy is the use of the correct keywords for your niche, brand or audience. They are what will allow your website or business to be found. There is no better person, in my humble opinion, than Leanne Wong of to guide you along your SEO journey. In her article “How to find long-tail keywords to drive massive search traffic” she shows you step-by-step exactly what to do to ensure your keywords are right for your business, niche or brand and as targeted as possible.
She is somebody that can get the message across in such an awesome way that even if you are a complete beginner, you will not feel lost. Her style is to the point, clear and as an authority in this niche, she knows her stuff.
The Value of SEO for Authors
As you may have seen or experienced, authors seem to be a breed apart from everybody else. As an author myself, I feel I can quite rightly make this comment. One thing that I have learnt in the writing community, is the value of input that I receive from my fellow authors. This is why, this article from Penny C. Sansevieri, Founder and CEO of Author Marketing Experts, Inc., writing for Ingram really hits home. In this article “The Ultimate Guide to SEO for Authors: Tips to Increase Your Online Presence“, Penny really shows us the reality of what can be achieved, even in the author space, using SEO correctly.
But also, on the flip side of this coin, is that this is of value not only for authors but anybody wanting to master SEO and get the maximum benefit from using this strategy to drive more traffic to their digital real estate.
Make Heading Tags work for you
You may look at this heading and wonder what in heaven’s name I am talking about. It sounds very complicated but in actual fact it is a very powerful, easy SEO strategy anybody can use to succeed with SEO. Find out more in this world-class article A Simple (But Complete) Guide To H1, H2 and H3 HTML Heading Tags For SEO from James Reynolds of SEO where he reveals how best to use heading tags and why this works as well as it does. Not only does he explain in layman’s terms what heading tags are, he also shows you how best to use them. James also shares how best to use heading tags in your content and what impact that will have on your whole SEO strategy.
Although this sounds very complicated, James breaks it down so that most anybody can understand what needs to be done to get the maximum benefit from using heading tags correctly.
Final Thoughts
All in all I believe we have shared a mixed bag of content that will get your thought process moving on how you can best use SEO to your advantage. You will gain traffic, leads and eventually customers from your efforts and in most cases all it costs you is time. That equals a win in my book.
Do you have some SEO tactics which have worked for you in the past? Feel free to share them in the comments.
Let us know if you found these articles useful in the comments and what you would like to learn more about.
Till next time
Karl · 2020-08-28 at 00:24
Great SEO coverage in this edition of your DSG roundup, Ruth. From highlighting the benefits of SEO to the Heading Tags guide, the content in this roundup is informative, insightful, and most importantly, actionable. Thanks for sharing!
Ruth · 2020-09-01 at 09:11
Thank you Karl for the great feedback and for making it so easy to share valuable content.
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